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New Feature of Android Update Version Android 8.0 orea:

Now a days, most popular mobile operating system android. It is Google’s operating system. Recent update version of android is orea. Now I will describe about the new feature of orea. It is an open source project and available for all.

Ø Battery-Saving Background restrictions
Battery life is significant part in a smart phone. Orea version use machine learning that work out which apps we use and when, walking them only when they are likely to be required and in an energy efficient manner. It can be adaptive brightness and get proper step in app action.

Ø New emoji, multi-window, picture-in-picture mode and UI tweaks

Android 8.0 orea version is looked like same the previous version Nougat, but it will a few change. The status is cleaner than other version. Some icon bar is white and easier than previous version. The setting menu option is half compare to previous version. Orea version is include 50 redesign emojis and support the entire catalog of emoji in the 5.0 Unicode standard. Another big feature of orea is picture-in-picture mode that we see two appa at once.

Ø Fingerprint Scanner Gestures
This is new feature of android 8.0 orea version.  It can be use pixel and pixel xl shipped to expand their notification tray by swiping down on the phone’s fingerprint scanner It has been added to Nexus devices.

Ø Auto-Enable Wi-Fi
When we are near our office or our home Android will automatically enable Wi-Fi for us. Orea can use phone’s location to see that we are back around our hone W-Fi hotspot, and it will automatically turn phone’s Wi-Fi radio back on. Turn this feature on from Setting> Wi-Fi> Wi-Fi Preference.

Ø Smart text Selection
Android Orea has been updated the text selection menu. When we select a URL, and orea will suggest opening it in crome. Now Orea includes intelligent actions that can vary depending on the type of text we have selected. Select a phone number than the dialer app will appear. When we select text orea will try to help us automatically select an important part and then provide handy shortcuts in the popup menu itself. An address, and Maps will pop-in, and so on.

Ø Faster boot times
Generally boot times are usually associated with a step-up in hardware, but orea will supposedly bring this benefit to all phones that run the software. When the Pixel lineup is currently limited, the improvement is noticeable and impressive. It is a minor feature as most of us keep our phones power on indefinitely. When a reboot is necessary, this feature makes it all the less painful.

Ø Notification Channels
Notification are one of the best features in Android. Orea get a new feature called notification channels than is meant for developers and users. It can help us sort notification based on it’s importance. From setting, select an app from the App Info screen and go to the Notifications section, If the app supports Notification Channels, we will find a Categories section.

Ø Adaptive icons
Another important feature of orea is the addition of adaptive icons. User able to use different size and shaped app icons, depending on the manufacturer’s preference. App icons will support badge notifications, as mentioned. It combined with Android’s usual freedom icons. Developers would have to include circle, square, squircle, and freedom icons in each of their apps, and that’s probably asking too much.

Ø Camera app improvements
The camera app is reworked. It gives a new double-tap feature that lets us quickly get to 50% zoom. Orea has a new dedicated button that lets us switch between photo and video modes; previously, users were forced to swipe, which some may have found unintuitive.

Ø Mouse pointer capture
Mouse pointer is another update addition in Android 8.0 orea, which opens up Android-powered devices like chromebooks and others to mouse input (physical keyboard support, including for navigation, has also been added).

Ø Autofill Framework
Browser autofill gather information such as address and credit card numbers when it detects a compatible field. A similar feature is used in android orea, which should save the hassle of repeatedly entering the same information on a touchscreen keyboard. Google is also hoping to save our time, courtesy of Autofill APIs. This will allow favourite password manager apps to work with the Android OS, so we can access them just like us would a third-party keyboard.

Ø  Hi-Fi Bluetooth Codecs
Generally Bluetooth has lower quality audio when compared to a set of wired headphones. Google has added a handful of high-quality Bluetooth codecs to Android orea, including sony’s LDAC, which should greatly improve audio quality with compatible devices.

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