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Top 10 motivational books in the world:

Today I will discuss about top ten motivation books in the word. It can be removes yours depression and get new inspiration of yours life. You will change your life. Let’s know about it…

1.  The Secret written by Rhonda Byrne

Book “The secret” that discusses the law of attraction and how to use it in your life, rose to the top of many bestseller lists and inspired offshoots like The secret Gratitude Book, The Secret Day-to-Day Calender, and its own official website. This book introduced many honorable people to the concept that their thoughts may influence not only their actions, but the experiences that they bring into their lives as well.
A documentary movie has been made on “The secret” to showcase the importance and methods of implementation of this concept. The book teaches various techniques and shortcuts to understand and implement this concept in our lives. 

1.    2.You Can Win written by Shiv Khera

It is a great inspiration book. Here discuss how to get success in student and professional life. The important dialogue is, “winners do not do different things they do things differently. It inspires and informs people, helping them to realize their true potential. This book says that the first step to alter our lives is to adopt a positive attitude in life.

1.    3..The power of Positive Thinking Written by Dr. Norman Vincent peale

In short, we can say that, you can achieve anything if you have belief. Peale wrote: “This book is written with deep concern for the pain, difficulty and struggle of human existence. It teaches positive thinking not as a means to fame, riches or power, but as the practical application of faith to overcome defeat and accomplish worthwhile creative values in life’. Man could learn and apply the rules he had observed are the way to living succeed. It is written with the sole objective of helping the reader achieve a happy and worthwhile life. He frequently quotes the Bible and makes other religious reference to help illuminate the point. 

1.  4.You Are a badass written by jen Sincero

Generally, “You are a baddas” is a self-help book. It can offer advice for how to see life through fresh mind, find passion. Sincero shared stories in her life that were at times awkward, embarrassing and painful. It written in a style that’s conversational and relatable. ‘You are a baddas” is a great introduction to a lot of important self-improvement concepts, chief among them being the idea that you are stronger, smarter, better and more capable than self-doubt and negativity bias would have you believe. This book taught us a lot about how every ounce of our soul needs to be committed to the type of life and opportunities.

1.   5. Choose Yourself Written  by James Altucher

Some people mention this book as an “idea sex” and that sounded interesting. This book so much more than just that though, and contains loads of ideas and advice. It has loads of lists. A list of ideas, a list of reasons to do something, a list of examples, a list of habits. It provides a plethora of ideas on problem solving. The most significant sentence in this book is “But once you divide the world into categories, into a ‘us’ versus ‘them’ you immediately become a ‘them’ and lose touch with who you really are”.

6. Now, Discover Your Strengths Written by marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton 

Buckingham and Clifton wrote this book to start what they refer to as a strength revolution. If you are very frustrated in your life and work, you should must read “Now, Discover your Strengths.” It can give you a strong life and strength building. In chapter 5 in this book has a question and answer session that follows addressing a number of issues with strength identification. Although most of the questions were pretty mundane, something them quite interesting. The book comes with a passcode to take a test to find your top 5 strengths.

7.    Think and Grow Rich Written by Napoleon Hill 

Some people consider the book “Think and Grow Rich” is still one of the best self-help books on the market even more than 80 years after its first release. Carnegie charged hill took interview and study hundreds of successful people, such as Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison and Woodrow Wilson, and then trying to decipher the common factors that helped them achieve all of their accomplishments and in life. This book is a must read for anyone and everyone who wants to succeed in life. It’s bit dated, but its principles are timeless. In page no 198 hill write, “You cannot entirely control your subconscious mind, but you can voluntarily hand over to it any plan, desire, or purpose which you wish transformed into concrete form.

8.    Extreme Ownership Written by Jocko Willink 

Each chapter of this book there are three subsections. The first identifies a leadership lesson learned through the U.S. Navy SEAL combat or training experience. The second subsection describes that leadership principle. The third explains the principle’s application to the business world, based on our work with a multitude of companies in board range of industries. This books describe the war and it teaches us about brotherhood, honor, humanity and leadership.  And unfortunately war teaches us the most when thing go wrong. The book is co-written with Leif Babin who is also a decorated former Navy SEAL officer, who served thirteen years in the Navy, including nine as a Navy SEAL. The book does not start with a look at the victories achieved, it begins with a look at one of the worst mistakes a soldier can make –blue-on-blue- that of accidentally killing your own team or troops on your own side.  

1.    9. The 4-Hour Workweek Written by Timothy Ferris

It is another bestseller book. Timothy Ferriss embraced a deep individualism that prioritizes self-improvement as the definition of success. He has written a lot about the individual versus collective world views. It has been translated into 35 languages. It is said, “Don’t try and look for meaningful work. Find a way to make money as quickly as possible, focus on the 20 per cent that drives most of the results, automate everything possible, and outsource the rest to low-paid Indian assistance. The book is about creating an infrastructure so people can work only 4 hours a week and use their time to serve anyone, instead of the other way around. Author says “Being busy is a form of laziness-lazy thinking and indiscriminate action”. 

1.    10. The Power of Broke Written by Daymond John

The book ‘Power of Broke’ is an interview series. It tells, how to succeed in business with no money in your pocket. It inspires entrepreneurs from all walks of life to think creatively, alternatively and aggressively. Author Daymond John shares stories of how different entrepreneurs hustled their way to success. He sprinkles in his own story along the way. This book is not about Daymond’s tips. Instead, it’s a book filled with the stories of 13 uber successful entrepreneurs. Every entrepreneur who is motivated by seeing what can happen when you don’t give up, and don’t take ‘no’ for an answer can get something out of this books.
Copywright © 2018 Saumen Mondal.


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আমার ফটো গ্যালারী ।
